- 2020/09/14
- 22
- 1
- 未知
- #1
Ai 内容摘要(Beta)
测试版是Minecraft基岩版的测试机制,主要用于下一个正式版的特性预览。 |
然而,测试版主要用于新特性展示,通常存在大量漏洞。因此对于普通玩家建议仅做测试尝鲜用。使用测试版打开存档前请务必备份。适用于正式版的领域服务器与测试版不兼容。 |
如果在测试版中遇到旧版存档无法使用的问题,测试版将允许你将存档上传以供开发团队查找问题。 |
Minecraft基岩版 1.16.200 仍未发布,为其第1个测试版。 |
Bug Fixes
Accessibility Features
- Fixed a bug where UI screen reader did not read the screen title in-game
- 修复了UI屏幕阅读器无法读取游戏内屏幕标题的问题
- Fixed a bug where the UI screen reader did not read the shortcut button on the Pause Screen
- 修复了UI屏幕阅读器不会读取暂停界面快捷按钮文字的的问题
- Fixed a bug where the UI screen reader did not read the title on the Profile and Edit Character screens
- 修复了UI屏幕阅读器不会读取个人资料和编辑角色233界面标题的问题
- Fixed an issue where the numbering of buttons in the Pause screen was wrong when using text-to-speech
- 修复了使用文字转语音时暂停界面的按钮编号错误的问题
- Fixed several issues regarding text contrast
- 修复了有关文本对比度的一些问题
- Death message bugfixes (MCPE-30360, MC-116558)
- 修正死亡信息
- Death message for being shot by Shulker is now "sniped by shulker" instead of "slain by shulkerBullet"
- 将被潜影贝击杀的信息由“X被潜影贝杀死了”改为“X受到了潜影贝的狙击”
- Death message for being fireballed by Blaze or Ghast is now "fireballed by <Blaze | Ghast>" instead of "slain by <Blaze | Ghast>"
- 将被恶魂或烈焰人的火球击杀的信息由“X被烈焰人/恶魂杀死了”改为“X被烈焰人/恶魂的火球杀死了”
- Death message for being shot by Skeleton is now "shot by skeleton" instead of "shot by arrow"
- 将被骷髅击杀的信息由“X被箭矢射杀”改为“X被骷髅射杀”
- Death message for being spit at by Llama is now "spitballed by Llama" instead of "slain by Llama spit"
- 将被羊驼唾沫击杀的信息由“X被羊驼唾沫杀死了”改为“X被羊驼唾沫淹死了”
- Death message for being killed with a trident is now "was impaled to death by " instead of "slain by Trident"
- 将被三叉戟击杀的信息由“X被三叉戟杀死了”改为“X被三叉戟刺死了”
- Nether Brick Blocks are once again craftable (MCPE-101736)
- 下界砖块可以正常制作了
- Fixed the number of Nether Bricks in the Crafting Table (MCPE-101818)
- 修复了下界砖在工作台中显示数量不正确的问题
- Increased allowed spawn distance for raid mobs as well as improved the ability to find a valid raid spawn position
- 提升了袭击事件中生物的生成范围,以优化寻找有效袭击生成位置的能力
- Armor with the lock in inventory component can now be placed in the armor slots (MCPE-102244)
- 可以穿戴具有lock_in_inventory(锁定于物品栏)NBT标签的护甲了
- Fixed an issue of anyone using 'query.get_equipped_item_name' with an item that was renamed wouldn't get the right result. Now we tie this to vanilla versioning so that the old name will be returned if the world is tied to a specific vanilla version
- 修复了只要将“query.get_equipped_item_name”与重命名过的物品一起使用就无法正常返回结果的问题。现在会将其与游戏版本进行绑定,绑定过版本的存档将返回其旧名称。