- 2020/09/14
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- #1
Ai 内容摘要(Beta)
测试版是Minecraft基岩版的测试机制,主要用于下一个正式版的特性预览。 |
然而,测试版主要用于新特性展示,通常存在大量漏洞。因此对于普通玩家建议仅做测试尝鲜用。使用测试版打开存档前请务必备份。适用于正式版的领域服务器与测试版不兼容。 |
如果在测试版中遇到旧版存档无法使用的问题,测试版将允许你将存档上传以供开发团队查找问题。 |
Minecraft基岩版 1.16.100 仍未发布,为其第8个测试版。 |

Bug Fixes
Performance and Stability
- Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
- 修复了游戏中出现的一些崩溃问题
- Fixed an issue where the game could crash if suspended in one of the new achievement screens
- 修复了如果在新的成就界面中暂停游戏时可能会发生的崩溃问题
- Made code optimizations to improve chunk loading performance (MCPE-85614)
- 进行代码优化,提高区块加载性能
Beta Changes
- Nether portals no longer break in a ripple pattern (MCPE-99650)
- 修复下界传送门被破坏时传送门方块不会同时消失的问题
- Spawn eggs can now be used on an underwater Mob Spawner
- 刷怪蛋能用于水下的刷怪笼了
- Fixed an issue with worlds disappearing from the worlds list during crash on world start (MCPE-84649)
- 修复了载入存档并崩溃后在列表中无法找到存档的问题
- "The Beaconator" achievement can now be reliably unlocked
- “信标工程师”成就现在可以正常解锁了
- Fixed a bug where the Archer trophy would not unlock after meeting the criteria (MCPE-86371)
- 修复了“弓箭手”奖杯无法正常解锁的问题
- End City loot chests now generate correctly (MCPE-72920)
- 末地城的箱子会正常生成了
- Basalt pillars now generate in Soulsand Valley again (MCPE-98961)
- 玄武岩柱会在灵魂沙峡谷生成了
- Fixed player collision box not properly sizing when swimming, gliding, etc. (MCPE-98271)
- 修复了玩家在游泳或滑翔等时,碰撞箱不正常的问题
- Mob spawn range now scales with simulation distance (MCPE-95568)
- 修复了生物生成范围不会随模拟距离变化的问题
- Villagers from older versions now level up correctly when trading (MCPE-85013)
- 旧版本的村民在交易时会正常升级了
- Improved performance of farmer villagers when harvesting or sowing crops
- 优化农民在播种或收割的性能表现
- Fixed a bug which could prevent farmer villagers from harvesting crops
- 修复了一个可能导致农民无法收割作物的问题
- Phantoms wings now make a flapping sound
- 幻翼的翅膀会发出煽动的声音了
- Player-ridden Striders now jump onto magma blocks as well as non-full blocks in front of them when guided by Fungus on a Stick (MCPE-77096)
- 被玩家骑行的炽足兽可以在菌钓竿的引导下跳到岩浆块或非满方块(比如台阶)上了
- Overworld animals leashed to the player no longer become unleashed when the player returns from the Nether
- 玩家从下界回来时不会再异常释放主世界被拴住的动物了
- Striders now correctly executes the 'move_to_liquid' goal
- 炽足兽可以正确执行“move_to_liquid”目标了
- Baby animals can be tamed once again, before growing up
- 幼年动物可以在生成前被驯服了
- Bees can now only exit Bee Hives and Bee Nests through air blocks (MCPE-97185)
- 蜜蜂只能途径空气方块离开蜂箱或蜂巢了
- Beehives & Bee Nests now show the correct front facing texture (MCPE-92468)
- 修复蜂箱和蜂巢材质不对劲的问题
- Crimson and Warped Stems/Hyphae are now in their correct creative inventory groups (MCPE-74611)
- 修复了绯红和诡异菌/菌核在创造模式物品栏下分类不正确的问题
- Item names now appear correctly (MCPE-100252)
- 修复物品名称无法正常显示的问题
- Piglin Snout banner pattern can be found in the inventory again (MCPE-100269)
- 修复了猪鼻旗帜图案在物品栏中找不到的问题
- Banner patterns can now be crafted in the 2x2 crafting grid (MCPE-91247)
- 可以正常使用2x2合成网格制作旗帜图案了
- Craftable items now appear correctly (MCPE-100257)
- 修复了配方表无法正常显示可合成物品的问题
- Written books no longer exist in the creative inventory (MCPE-100275)
- 修复了成书显示在创造模式物品栏的问题
- Fixed an issue that meant item damage was not assigned until a world was reloaded (MCPE-62324)
- 修复了物品不会正常损坏,直到重载存档才会正常掉耐久值的问题
- Player can now see item's durability immediately after crafting it (MCPE-62324)
- 玩家可以在制作物品后立刻看到耐久度了
- Fixed an issue that prevented an empty item from being given back after using a food like soup or stew
- 修复了食用汤或炖菜等食物后,无法返回空物品的问题
- Fixed a bug where dropped item stacks could become invisible after merging with another item stack (MCPE-71139)
- 修复了不同掉落物重叠时不会显示先前掉落物的问题
- Fixed a bug where iron, gold, and diamond horse armor would all show white (MCPE-94432)
- 修复了一个铁,金,或钻石马铠全部变白的BUG
- Mob heads and Bee spawn eggs now appear correctly in the inventory (MCPE-100251)
- 生物头颅和蜜蜂刷怪蛋会正常出现在物品栏中了
- Netherite armour items no longer takes durability loss from player standing on magma (MCPE-76532)
- 下界合金护甲不会因玩家站在岩浆块上而导致耐久度损失了
- Pitch written in sound_definitions.json is now correctly played (MCPE-49430)
- 修复了sound_definitions.json中的pitch选项被忽略的问题
- Phantoms wings now make a flapping sound
- 幻翼的翅膀会发出煽动的声音了
- Beacon container interface no longer shuffles items around the inventory slots when trying to quick-move items from the inventory while the hotbar is full
- 当热键栏已满,并尝试从物品栏中快速移动物品时,信标界面的物品不会再物品栏中乱堆叠了
- "Ride Exit" hint now clears Actionbar messages (MCPE-75097)
- “停止骑乘”按钮会清空活动的消息了
- Updated the profanity filter list (MCPE-64359)
- 更新不雅用语列表
- Fixed Character Creator navigation problems between Featured Items, Achievement Rewards, Emotes, and the Dressing Room (MCPE-89179)
- 修复了角色创建器在特色物品,成就奖励,表情和更衣室之间的提示转向问题
- Various improvements to the Crafting Screen UX when using a controller!
- 对使用控制器的玩家进行各种改善以优化用户体验
- Items in the inventory will no longer move into the crafting grid when hovering over recipes
- 当光标悬停在配方上时,不会自动从物品栏转移物品了
- The selected recipe will no longer be cleared when changing tabs, even if you don't have all the necessary ingredients for that recipe
- 移动合成网格的物品不会再取消选择合成书的物品了,即使没有所需材料也是如此
- Picking up items while the cursor is hovering over a recipe now updates to the recipe's new index
- 当光标悬停在配方上并拾取物品时,会刷新物品的数量索引了。
- Pressing the 'Leave Boat' button on touch devices will no longer make the player hit a passenger or destroy the Boat (MCPE-78113)
- 按下“下船”按钮不会再让玩家撞人或破坏船只了
- A button icon has been added to the NPC dialog screen to show which gamepad button to press to close the window
- 在NPC对话画面中加入了一个按钮图标,以显示关闭窗口的手柄按键
- The hovered slot data is now cleared properly whenever the cursor is moved off of a item slot. This way the gamepad helpers are correct when you are not hovering on an item slot anymore on any container screen
- 将光标从物品槽上移开时,会正常清除悬停槽中的数据了。这样一来,当你在任何包含此类的界面上没有悬停在物品槽上时,就会正常显示手柄助手了
- The item name text that appears when the player changes the hotbar selection now anchors from the bottom. This way when it grows, it will not overlap with the hotbar (MCPE-79566)
- 修复了文本与热键栏重叠的问题
- Change Gamertag and Manage Account buttons on Settings screen (in the Profile section) now opens URLs correctly on iOS and Android
- 修复了设置界面(个人资料部分)上的 "更改玩家代号 "和 "管理账号 "按钮URL不正确的问题
- Added ClearSpawnPoint slash command
- 加入清除重生点的命令
- Added a new /event command that can be used to trigger an event on an entity
- 加入一个新的 /event 命令,可以用于触发实体事件
- Using /spawnpointcommand will not affect Players that are sleeping (MCPE-91565)
- /spawnpoint指令不会生效于睡眠状态的玩家了
- Added Item Lock components to allow for items to be locked in the inventory, locked in a slot, or kept on death
- 增加了物品锁定组件,允许将物品锁定在物品栏或热键栏中,可以死亡时保留物品
- Added a new loop_delayfield to skeletal animation files that controls how to wait between each iteration of a looping animation
- 对骨骼动画文件中添加了一个新的loop_delayfield(循坏延迟字段),可以控制动画每次重复循环的延迟时间。
- Fixed a bug where start_delayfields in skeletal animations were being used for both the initial delay before playing an animation and for inter-loop delays
- 修复了骨骼动画中的 start_delayelfids 被错误用在播放动画前的初始延迟和循环间延迟的问题
- Fixed a crash on Android and included a more descriptive content error to print shader linker problem on screen
- 修复了安卓上的崩溃问题,并加入更多有关错误的描述内容,方便在界面上输出着色器的链接器问题
- Added camerashake command to enable a camera shaking effect
- 加入camerashake命令,可以启用镜头抖动摇摆的效果
- Villagers/zombie villagers will once again correctly spawn as a baby when using the summon command to summon them with the event "minecraft:entity_born"
- 使用summon命令并附带“minecraft:entity_born”事件召唤村民/僵尸村民时,会正常生成幼年实体了
- Older command versions using /execute will now use the proper position for command selectors when calculating the radius
- 带有/execute的旧版本命令会在计算半径时正确使用命令选择器计算位置了
- Banners using the "set_banner_details" function no longer throw a content error when a "base_color" isn't specificed, but rather only when the "base_color" is invalid
- 使用“set_banner_details”函数的旗帜将只在“base_color”无效时抛出内容错误了
- Added 'decrement_count' event response for items
- 加入decrement_count的物品事件相应组件
- This goal has been removed in favor of the two new child goals that make the behavior more clear. The behavior works the same, but is now separated out properly into the two goals
- 此目标已被移除,已被两个行为指代更明确的子目标取而代之。工作原理是一样的,但现在可以正常分离两个目标
- This goal is for Actors that are part of the Village construct
- 此目标是为村庄结构体中的角色而设的
- The "DwellerComponent" is necessary for this goal
- “DwellerComponent”是此目标的必需项
- The "HomeComponent" is necessary for this goal
- “HomeComponent”是此目标的必需项
- Exposed a new data parameter for the range at which the Actor will stay within in relation to their home: "restriction_radius"
- 暴露一个新的数据参数“restriction_radius”,用于角色在屋子相关的范围内停留的距离。
- minecraft:behavior.send_event no longer uses -1 in max_activation_range as a value to indicate unlimited range, the default has been changed to 32
- minecraft:behavior.send_event 已不再使用 max_activation_range 中的 -1 值表示无限范围,同时更改默认值为32
- Added content log warnings for when 'min_activation_range' and 'max_activation_range' is less than 0
- “min_activation_range”和“max_activation_range”的值小于0时会在内容日志中发出警告了。
- Added content log warnings for when 'min_activation_range' is greater than 'max_activation_range'
- 当“min_activation_range”大于“max_activation_range”的值时会在内容日志发出警告了
- Added a new json field 'look_at_target' which allows and disallows entities to turn and face their target
- 加入一个新的json字段“look_at_target”,用于控制实体是否能转向面朝目标