- 2020/09/14
- 22
- 1
- 未知
- #1
Ai 内容摘要(Beta)
测试版是Minecraft基岩版的测试机制,主要用于下一个正式版的特性预览。 |
然而,测试版主要用于新特性展示,通常存在大量漏洞。因此对于普通玩家建议仅做测试尝鲜用。使用测试版打开存档前请务必备份。适用于正式版的领域服务器与测试版不兼容。 |
如果在测试版中遇到旧版存档无法使用的问题,测试版将允许你将存档上传以供开发团队查找问题。 |
Minecraft基岩版 1.16.100 仍未发布,为其第7个测试版。 |
In this week's beta we've fixed several important issues, and we've also included some technical changes that content creators will find useful! Please remember to keep sending us your bug reports at bugs.mojang.com!
Bug Fixes
Performance and Stability
- Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
- 修复了许多在游戏中可能发生的崩溃
- Fixed a crash on startup on Xbox One
- 修复了在 Xbox One 中启动时发生的崩溃
- Time played now displays correctly on the achievement screen (MCPE-25938)
- 现在“游戏时间”正常在成就界面显示
- Allow navigating the focus to the summary by pressing left on the gamepad when narration is enabled
- 启用旁白时,现在可以按手柄左键把光标移动到摘要上
- Updated input legends for achievement list and achievement reward
- 更新了成就列表和成就奖励的输入图标
- "Screen" is now narrated when opening an achievement detail screen
- 现在在打开成就详情界面时显示“界面”二字
- Fixed how we calculate how many rewards a player has
- 修改了计算玩家成就点数的方式
- Show the achievements, even after a timeout, when the data has been fetched
- 当数据被提取后即使超时也会显示成就
- Don't play click sounds when using a mouse button that is not primary
- 修复了使用非主流鼠标按钮时不播放点击声音的问题
- Fix issue where the scrollbar would appear even when there is no content to scroll
- 修复了即使界面不能滚动也会显示滚动条的问题
- Added acceleration to focus navigation while using a gamepad
- 为手柄光标移动添加了加速功能
- Fixed focus persistency while switching from the All tab
- 修复了从“全部”选项卡切换时光标消失的问题
- Fixed support for the mouse "back button" to go back from the achievements screen
- 支持使用鼠标“后退按钮”来从成就界面返回
- Fixed support for the Escape button to go back from the achievements screen
- 支持使用“退出”按钮来从成就界面返回
- Fixed an issue where the Input Legend for a Tab would be "open" even when the Tab was already selected
- 修复了当选项卡被选中时输入图标仍然显示“open”
- Fixed text-to-speech not reading the messages on various screens
- 修复了文本转换语音无法读取不同界面上消息的问题
- Fixed maps not being in the list of items when using the /clear command
- 修复了地图无法被/clear命令清理的问题
- Fixed sign-in button becoming unresponsive after backing out of sign-in prompt screen
- 修复了退出登录提示界面后“登录”按钮无响应的问题
- Cobblestone is now shown as the default ingredient for stone tools (MCPE-71843)
- 现在制作石质工具时将默认使用圆石
- Reduced and reintroduced linear attenuation for raid horn sound (MCPE-85593)
- 重新加入了劫掠号角声音的线性衰减,比之前衰减的弱了一些
- The correct sounds are now played for breaking and placing item frames (MCPE-98901)
- 现在放置和破坏物品展示框时将播放正确的声音
Record Item Component
- Items can now be made records to play music in Jukeboxes
- 现在可以自定义唱片物品来在唱片机里播放声音
- sound_event A string value corresponding to a sound event in the game code. This string must be one these for music to play: "13", "cat", "blocks", "chirp", "far", "mall", "mellohi", "stal", "strad", "ward", "11", "wait", "pigstep"
- sound_event 是一个字符串,值必须与游戏代码中的声音事件相对应。这些字符串必须是这几个中的一个:"13", "cat", "blocks", "chirp", "far", "mall", "mellohi", "stal", "strad", "ward", "11", "wait", "pigstep"
- duration A float value that determines how long particles are spawned from the JukeBox Block, should approximately match length of sound event
- duration 是一个浮点数,值用于确定唱片机生成粒子的时间长度,应该与声音事件的长度精确对应
- comparator_signal An integer value that represents the strength of the analogue signal, used by the Comparator Block
- comparator_signal 是一个整数,值用于比较器检测唱片机时输出的信号强度
When added to JukeBox Block this will play the sound clip of "record.chirp"
- Example 1: "minecraft:record": { "sound_event": "chirp", "duration": 185.0, "comparator_signal": 4 }
- 例1:"minecraft:record": { "sound_event": "chirp", "duration": 185.0, "comparator_signal": 4 }
- Renamed items to be consistent with the list of Java items found here
- 被重命名的物品与Java版的物品列表一致
- Added new BlockRaycastComponent that can override the AABB used for outlines and raycasting
- 添加了 BlockRaycastComponent 可以控制用于外形和光线投射的边界框
- Added new BlockCollisionComponent that can override the AABB used for entity collision
- 添加了 BlockCollisionComponent 可以控制用于实体碰撞的边界框
- Added new BlockPropertyComponent that can replace the blockProperties : Unwalkable, Infiniburn, PreventsJumping, Immovable, BreakOnPush, OnlyPistonPush and BreaksWhenHitByArrow
- 添加了 BlockPropertyComponent 可以替代 blockProperties : Unwalkable, Infiniburn, PreventsJumping, Immovable, BreakOnPush, OnlyPistonPush 和 BreaksWhenHitByArrow
- Added new BlockQueuedTickingComponent that triggers events for a block on a range of time set by the creator
- 添加了 BlockQueuedTickingComponent 可以在创作者设置的时间范围内触发方块事件
- Added new BlockRandomTickingComponent that triggers events for a block randomly
- 添加了 BlockRandomTickingComponent 可以随机触发方块事件
- Added a Rotation Component that allows a block to rotate The component only allows axis-aligned rotations
- 添加了一个旋转组件,允许方块旋转,但是只允许轴对齐的旋转
- Adds the base implementation of the CraftingTableComponent
- 添加了CraftingTableComponent的基本功能
- Allows the creation of custom crafting tables
- 允许创建自定义合成表
- Currently only supports 3x3 grids
- 目前只支持3x3网格
Added 'minecraft:placement_filter' component which allows you to set conditions for where this block can be placed This component will also kick in whenever neighboring blocks change and pop it's loot if it is no longer in a valid location
添加了 'minecraft:placement_filter' 组件,允许你设置这个方块可以被放置的条件。这个组件也会在相邻方块更新时启动,并在其不再在有效位置时被破坏
- Added serialization to Block Descriptor
- 向 Block Descriptor 添加了序列
- Added static anyMatch functions to BlockDescriptor to compare a list of BlockDescriptors against: Block*, BlockLegacy, or BlockDescriptor
- 向 BlockDescriptor 添加了静态的 anyMatch 函数,来比较 BlockDescriptor 的列表: Block*, BlockLegacy, 或 BlockDescriptor
- Added a function to compare two BlockDescriptors. This covers: matching blocks, any tag of either descriptor match, block states with matching permutations
- 添加了一个函数来对比两个 BlockDescriptor 。这包括:匹配的方块,任何两个描述符的标签相匹配,具有匹配的组合方式的方块状态。
- Changed the BlockDescriptor BlockLegacy member variable to a Block* so we can set the block states during deferred block resolution and get the block with the states set
- 将 BlockDescriptor 的 BlockLegacy 组成部分的变量改为 Block* 这样我们就可以延迟方块解析时设置方块状态,并获得设置完毕的方块
- Removed all the existing Block* json parsing
- 删除了所有现有的Block*的json解析
- Added unit tests to verify parsing and serializing block descriptors
- 添加了单元测试来验证 BlockDescriptor 的解析和序列化
- Added unit tests to verify comparing a BlockDescriptors against each other
- 添加了单元测试来验证 BlockDescriptor 之间的比较
- Added unit tests to verify getting a block from BlockDescriptor with the states set
- 添加了单元测试来验证从 BlockDescriptor 获得一个已经设定完状态的方块
- Adds support for parsing and performing the following event responses:
- 添加了对解析和执行以下事件回应的支持
- Added the set_block_at_pos event response
- 添加了 set_block_at_pos 事件的响应
- Spawn Loot
- 生成战利品
- Set Block
- 设置方块
- Added support for the on_interact trigger component
- 添加了对 on_interact 触发器组件的支持
- Added support for the on_player_placing trigger component
- 添加了对 on_player_placing 触发器组件的支持
- Also added MoLang queries for cardinal_block_face_placed_on and cardinal_player_facing for getting placement context
- 同时添加了对 cardinal_block_face_placed_on 和 cardinal_player_facing 的MoLang查询,来获取放置处的上下文
- Added the first pass of the new data driven block tessellation pipeline
- 添加了新的数据,驱动方块曲面细分通道的第一个过程
- Added the "minecraft:geometry" component to allow using a block model for rendering
- 添加了 "minecraft:geometry" 组件来允许使用方块模型进行渲染
- Added the "minecraft:unit_cube" component to allow using a default unit cube for rendering. Unit cubes get some extra effects like ambient occlusion and face removal
- 添加了"minecraft:unit_cube"组件来允许使用一个默认单位多维数据集进行渲染。单位多维数据集会得到一些额外的效果,如环境遮挡和面部移除
- Added the "minecraft:material_instances" component to allow mapping faces and material_instances in a geometry file to an actual material
- 添加了 "minecraft:material_instances" 组件来允许将几何文件中的面和材质实例映射到实际材质中
DataDrivenBlockModels - 平滑光照
- Fixed smooth lighting and ambient occlusion with new data driven blocks
- 使用新的数据驱动方块修复了平滑光照和环境光遮挡问题
- Split allowed_blocks into use_on and dispense_on
- 把 allowed_blocks 拆分为 use_on 和 dispense_on
- use_on specifies what blocks an entity placer item is allowed to be used on, omit to allow all blocks
- use_on 指定实体放置物品允许在什么方块上使用,省略则允许所有方块
- dispense_on specifies what blocks an entity placer item is allowed to be dispensed on, omit to allow all blocks
- dispense_on 指定实体放置物品允许在什么方块上分配,省略则允许所有方块
- Added support to item json events for the execute_command keyword. It supports both a string and string array format, where the string is the command intended to run. Commands are compiled at load time and executed after add/remove_mob_effect and teleport actions, but before other triggers for events. Commands will be segmented in sequence and randomize nodes as expected.
- 添加了对execute_command关键字的物品json事件的支持。它支持字符串和字符串数组格式,其中字符串是要运行的命令。命令在加载时编译,并在 add/remove_mob_effect 和 teleport actions 之后执行,但在其他事件触发器之前执行。命令将按顺序分段,并按预期随机化节点。
- Created RepairableItemComponent that data-drives how an item is repaired in game. Data is structured as follows in the item JSON file:
- 添加了 RepairableItemComponent,用于驱动游戏中如何修复项目的数据。数据在物品 JSON文件中的结构如下:
{ "format_version": "1.16.100", "minecraft:item": { ... "minecraft:repairable": { "repair_items": [ { "items": [ "minecraft:item" ], "repair_amount": "query.max_damage * 0.25" }, { "items": [ "minecraft:item", "minecraft:item2" ], "repair_amount": "context.other->query.remaining_health + 0.05 * context.other->query.max_damage" }, { "items": [ "minecraft:item3" ], "on_repaired": { "event": "repaired", "target": "self" } } ] } }, "events": { "repaired": { "transform_item": { "transform": "item_name" } } } } }
RunCommand- Added support to entity json events for the run_command keyword alongside the current add and remove keywords. It supports both a string and string array format, where the string is the command intended to run. Commands will be run after component groups have been added and removed, and will be segmented in sequence and randomize nodes as expected.
- 在当前的add和remove关键字旁边添加了对run_command关键字的实体json事件的支持。它同时支持字符串和字符串数组格式,其中字符串是要运行的命令。命令将在添加和删除组件之后运行,并按预期顺序分段和随机化节点。
- Updated the following components to parse and use BlockDescriptor instead of Block*
更新了以下组件来解析和使用BlockDescriptor而不是Block*- BlockBreakSensorComponent
- BlockListEventMap
- BreathableComponent
- BreedableComponent
- BuoyancyComponent
- EntityPlacerItemComponent
- PreferredPathComponent
- SeedItemComponentLegacy
Updated the following features to parse and use BlockDescriptor instead of Block*
更新了以下功能来解析和使用BlockDescriptor而不是Block*- NoSurfaceOreFeature
- OreFeature
- SingleBlockFeature
Updated the following goal definitions to parse and use BlockDescriptor instead of Block*
更新了以下目标定义来解析和使用BlockDescriptor而不是Block*- GoalDefinition
- RaidGardenGoal
- VanillaGoalDefinition
Updated the following surfaces code to parse and use BlockDescriptor instead of Block*
更新了以下表层代码来解析和使用BlockDescriptor而不是Block*- MesaSurfaceAttributes
- SurfaceMaterialAdjustmentAttributes
- SurfaceMaterialAttributes
Updated the following tests to reflect the changes from updating code to use BlockDescriptors
更新了以下测试来显示把代码更新为使用 BlockDescriptor- BuoyancyComponentServerTests
- FeatureHelperTests
- NoSurfaceOreFeatureTests
- OreFeatureTests
- SingleBlockFeatureTests
- Updated the following trees to parse and use BlockDescriptor instead of Block*
更新了以下树来解析和使用BlockDescriptor而不是Block*- AcaciaTreeCanopy
- AcaciaTreeTrunk
- FallenTreeTrunk
- FancyTreeCanopy
- FancyTreeTrunk
- MegaPineTreeCanopy
- MegaTreeCanopy
- MegaTreeTrunk
- PineTreeCanopy
- RoofedTreeCanopy
- SimpleTreeCanopy
- SimpleTreeTrunk
- SpruceTreeCanopy
- TreeHelper