- 2020/09/14
- 22
- 1
- 未知
- #1
Ai 内容摘要(Beta)
预发布版是Minecraft Java版的测试机制,如果该版本作为正式版发布,那么预发布版的游戏文件将与启动器推送的正式版完全相同。 |
然而,预发布版主要用于服主和Mod制作者的预先体验,如果发现重大漏洞,该预发布版会被新的预发布版代替。因此建议普通玩家持观望态度。 |
Minecraft 1.16.4 仍未发布,pre-2 为其第 2 个预览版。 |

Minecraft 1.16.4 Pre-Release 2
Minecraft 1.16.4 Pre-Release 2
A Minecraft Java Pre-Release
Minecraft Java版预发布版
Time for another pre-release! This time around we've fixed some issues with the new social interactions screen, as well as some crashes.
In case you haven't heard, yesterday we announced that Mojang accounts will be migrating into Microsoft accounts. With this pre-release, we are preparing for that by having the game understand the settings and block-list of Microsoft accounts. You can read more about that over here, and you can find answers to questions you might have in the FAQ . The FAQ will be continuously updated.
如果你不太关注新闻的话,我们要告诉你,昨天我们宣布了 Mojang 账户将迁移合入微软账户。本次预发布版中,我们正在向游戏内加入与微软账户的设置和封禁列表的同步以更好地实现合并。 你可以在这里阅读更多信息,应该也可以在 FAQ 中找到某些可能的问题的答案。 FAQ 会持续更新的。
We aim to release 1.16.4 sometime during next week.
我们计划于下周的某个时间正式发布 1.16.4。
Changes in 1.16.4 Pre-release 2
1.16.4 Pre-release 2 中的修改
- When logging in with a Microsoft account, players blocked in your account are now also blocked in the game and account restrictions are now respected
- 当使用微软账户登录时,微软帐户屏蔽的玩家也会在游戏中被屏蔽,而且账号限制也会正常工作
- A button to open a link to the Accessibility Guide can now be found in the Accessibility Options screen
- 现在可以在 无障碍选项 界面中找到链接到无障碍向导的按钮
- The status of a player is now listed below their name on the Social Interactions screen
- 玩家的状态现在会在社交界面中他们的名字下显示
- A new tab is available to filter by Blocked players in the Social Interactions screen
- 社交互动界面中一个新的选项卡可以过滤被屏蔽的玩家
- Chat from blocked players is always hidden
- 从被屏蔽玩家处收到的聊天总是会被隐藏
- Realms invites from blocked players are hidden
- 从被屏蔽玩家处收到的领域邀请总是会被隐藏
1.16.4 Pre-release 2 中修复的漏洞
- MC-202150 - Slider bar on social menu appears broken
- MC-202150 - 社交菜单的侧边滑块贴图破损
- MC-202147 - Cursor in Social Interactions & Recipe Book & Anvil menu doesn’t blink
- MC-202147 - 社交、配方书、铁砧界面中的光标不闪烁
- MC-202137 - Social Interaction Screen says players for 1 player
- MC-202137 - 社交界面中的单复数问题
- MC-202143 - Social Interactions search bar does not stay selected when switching tabs, although the cursor remains
- MC-202143 - 社交搜索栏在切换选项卡时不会停留在选定状态,但光标的行为与其不一致
- MC-202145 - Opening the Social Interactions menu in a singleplayer world open to LAN after attempting to join an outdated multiplayer server displays the name of the outdated server instead of the name of the current world
- MC-202145 - 试图加入版本低而无法加入的服务器后,在开放给局域网的单人世界中打开社交互动菜单,会显示之前那个服务器的名称,而不是当前世界的名称
- MC-202156 - Social Interactions search box entries can go out of the box
- MC-202156 - 社交搜索栏的实际点击范围比显示大
- MC-202155 - Outdated server warn text doesn’t actually exist
- MC-202155 - 服务器版本低的警告文本实际上不存在
- MC-202136 - Social Interaction Toast icon doesn’t render properly with Programmer Art resource pack
- MC-202136 - 社交互动图标在使用 Programmer Art 资源包时无法正确渲染
- MC-201885 - Divide by zero error in the Ender dragon entity class can cause a server crash and infinite velocity
- MC-201885 - 末影龙实体类中的除以零错误导致服务端崩溃、速度无限